All this newness -new name, new image, new designs - to celebrate the changes my little business has gone through over the past few years has me so excited. Sometimes I can barely stand it, and sometimes my husband laughs at me {but he loves to see me happy, so laugh away, my love, because I am happy}.
I dance when I'm happy. Do you? I get a little giddy and do a little shake. My boys think it's funny and the day is happier when they laugh. If I'm really excited, I sing, too.
What better way to show my excitement than to be a part of a HUGE (not an exaggeration) giveaway at Blue Cricket Design! I am so fortunate to be included among some seriously talented people sharing thier goods, like these two here.
And there is more - so much more. You should take a peek.
You will like, maybe love, and be glad you looked.
P.S. I have a show coming up next week so look for new pictures to be posted really soon AND I hope to share something really exciting that I have had in the works for almost a year now.