
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blogged Down....

I must admit the real reason I haven't managed to get anything posted: I have become utterly addicted and drowning in every other blog I stumble upon. I find all of you oh-so talented and inspiring; it's just so hard to stop looking at all the goodness!o

Being the perfectionist I am, I want everything just so and I am still getting familiar with blogger. I also became an addict to trying to find the 'perfect' free design template. I spent hours for several days looking before I gave up.

Turns out this blog will about many things...

~my little business - BCFP: my outlet, my 'me time' and true enjoyment - making diaper cakes, wreaths, custom appliqued clothing, etc.

~food & recipes (you will learn I have a special relationship with food)

~decor (mostly DIY)

~projects I admire (that I will likely never aspire to create)

~projects that inspire (oh, you have no idea how long my LIST grows daily. it's ridiculous, really)

~my family: my amazing husband. my sweet, silly, energetic, positively hectic, boys. the dog, who now resides with my incredible parents.

~the list goes on...

OK, what is it about social networks and blogs that make me want to just unload every thought and whim for the whole world to see? I will refrain, I promise. Just understand the urge is there, thus random things will appear here.

I vow to get some pictures of my craft on here. That was my original point to this blog, after all. In the meantime, I already follow a few of my faves. Check them out, AFTER you visit my FaceBook page and/or website. Pretty please forgive my lack of web design skills and photos! I'm workin' on it. Well, workin' on the plan in my head.

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